It’s Pennsylvania Farm Show week in Harrisburg, and that
means it’s time to trot out what may be the hoariest bit of balderdash in state politics:
the notion that agriculture is Pennsylvania’s No. 1 industry.
“Every year we have an
opportunity to gather in the arena here in Harrisburg to celebrate an industry
that's part of the foundation of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It
accounts for $68 billion of our state's economic production and employs one in
seven Pennsylvanians. Agriculture is Pennsylvania's number one industry,” Corbett said.
Corbett should amble over to the
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis website. There, he would discover that “agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting” accounted for $3.3
billion of Pennsylvania’s $600.9 billion economy in 2012, or slightly more than
0.5 percent.
Even if you use the “Market Value of
Products Sold” in the USDA's
Census of Agriculture, which is calculated differently, that only gets you to
$5.8 billion – still less than 1 percent of state GDP. Compare with manufacturing, at $70.6 billion per the BEA, and you begin to see the problem.
Nor does ag employ one in seven Pennsylvanians. If it did, that would
work out to roughly 857,000 farmers out of our roughly 6-million-strong work force.
How far below that are we? The Bureau of Labor Statistics
counts just 5,700 people in “Farming, Fishing and Forestry Occupations.”
Actually that seems way too low to me. My guess is it omits a lot of owner-operators, migrant workers, and maybe family members who aren't paid wages. But even if you increase it by a factor of 10, you're still only at 57,000, or less than 7 percent of the supposed 857K.
But how can there be so few workers, you ask, when the state has 62,000 farms (or
as Corbett put it later in
his speech, “62,000 Pennsylvania farm families who
are working every day to bring their best to you.”)? Well, 21,425 of those
farms sell less than $1,000 worth of goods, according to the Census of Agriculture. A full 38,850 sell less than $10,000 worth. That’s sales, by the
way, not profits. Economically speaking, and regardless of how they may perceive themselves, those aren’t full-time farmers, those are people who farm on the side. And indeed, the Census of Agriculture says farming is the principal occupation of 28,751 of Pennsylvania farm operators, but a sideline for 34,412.
(Incidentally, 857,000 divided by 62,000 equals 13.8. Do you really think the average farm in Pennsylvania employs 14 people? Since the average Pennsylvania farm is 124 acres in size, according to the ag census, that would mean we farm just 9 acres per worker. In 1890, ag labor efficiency
already was 27.5 acres per worker. Today it's many hundreds.)
So how does the ag industry get to $69 billion and employing one Pennsylvanian in seven? Basically, by counting
everything and the kitchen sink, and hoping no one calls them on it. Food
processing, packaging, trucking, food preparation – it’s all “ag.” Then all of that gets
elided via a little marketing magic (which apparently involves
Canadians) into the notion that these are all old guys in coveralls riding tractors
in a sun-dappled cornfield.
Just to be clear, I admire farmers, especially small-scale
farmers. It’s hellish hard work, it’s 24/7, you're at the mercy of the weather, your banker and the commodities markets, and unless you’re one of the big
boys, it doesn’t pay all that well. I’m hugely grateful they’re out there growing
food for the rest of us while we soft-handed types peg away at our laptops at
the office.
But there aren’t very many of them, and they’re not a big part of
the economy. Sorry.